Monday, January 06, 2014

Fated by Alyson Noel

Until now, he's existed only in her dreams - but fate is about to bring them together. I shove through the crowd, knocking into girls and bouncing off boys, until one in particular catches me, steadies me. I feel so secure, so at home in his arms. I melt against his chest-lift my gaze to meet his. Gasping when I stare into a pair of icy blue eyes banded by brilliant flecks of gold that shine like kaleidoscopes, reflecting my image thousands of times.
The boy from my dream. The one who died in my arms.

Strange things are happening to Daire Santos. Crows mock her, glowing people stalk her, time stops without warning, and a beautiful boy with unearthly blue eyes haunts all her dreams. Fearing for her daughter’s sanity, Daire’s mother sends her to live with the grandmother she’s never met. A woman who recognizes the visions for what they truly are—the call to her destiny as a Soul Seeker—one who can navigate the worlds between the living and dead.

There on the dusty plains of Enchantment, New Mexico, Daire sets out to harness her mystical powers. But it’s when she meets Dace, the boy from her dreams, that her whole world is shaken to its core. Now Daire is forced to discover if Dace is the one guy she's meant to be with...or if he’s allied with the enemy she's destined to destroy.

Daire Santos travels the world with her mother while she does the makeup for actors on film sets. When Daire turns sixteen the essence of her family's bloodline of her to navigate the worlds of the living and the dead come forth. After fearing that she may be institutionalized for seeing things no one else can see Daire is sent to live with her estranged grandmother who helps Daire with her training to assume her destiny, and awhile Daire is assuming her training she falls for a local boy who happens to be someone she's not sure she can trust.  While I was a fan of her other stand alone Art Geeks & Prom Queens, and her Immortal series, this book felt too familiar to The Immortals. Now while I appreciate an author stepping out of their comfort zone and writing about another culture with the main character of mixed races, but I also felt like the author was confused or given false information between the Native American culture and the Hispanic culture. The book plot doesn't pick up until you get towards the end of the book. I've reading the second book in the series and I very curious as to how the rest is played out. The cover is what drew me to the book the most, I felt like the whole series was pretty much laid out by first half of the book, the author gave too much of the background of the world pretty similar to Stephenie Meyer. Too much telling, and now I get it when I'm told I tell instead of show.

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