Friday, October 12, 2012

Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler

This book goes to show that the trends do cycle. 

In a romantic and suspenseful collection of the New York Times bestselling trilogy, love's unbreakable bonds are put to the test.
When her boyfriend, Tristan, died, Ivy thought she'd lost everything, even her faith in angels. But now she's discovered that he's her guardian angel — his presence so strong that she can feel the touch of his hand, the beat of his heart. Ivy needs Tristan now more than ever because he knows she's in terrible danger. Only Ivy's guardian angel can save her now that his killer is after her.But if Tristan rescues Ivy, his mission on earth will be finished, and he must leave her behind forever. Will saving Ivy mean losing her just when he's finally reached her again?
Ivy always believed in angels. When she meets Tristan, it's the love of a lifetime. When he dies, her heart is broken and her belief in angels vanishes. And without that belief, she is unable to feel Tristan's presence when he returns--as an angel. Now Ivy is in terrible danger, and Tristan is struggling to save her. How can he protect her if she's lost her faith in angels? Original.

The story is about a girl named Ivy who is devastated when her boyfriend Tristan is killed. Ivy struggles being without him, but Ivy has always believed that angels watch over people. Tristan is sent back to earth as Ivy's guardian angel. Ivy in the meantime does not know she is in danger and lives her life normally while Tristan protects her.

I chose to read this book. I had no idea that it was originally published in the 1990s, but was reprinted during the angel trend, I think this is a good example of how the trends always come back. I find myself very interested in the angel trend as well. I liked the concept of this story. Very clean writing, and very tight, a unique concept on angels.

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