Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Carny by Brooke Moss

MOVE OVER DANIELLE STEELE AND NORA ROBERTS! There is a new romance author making her way and her name is Brooke Moss!

At a town fair on the coast of Oregon, handsome Native American carny, Vincent Youngblood, bestows an unforgettable kiss on shy, awkward teenager, Charlotte Davenport. Then disappears without another word, leaving her baffled and enamored. Ten years later, Charlotte is still living in the small fishing town of Astoria, while being trained to--reluctantly--take over for her philandering hotelier father when he retires. After all, who else will do it? Her two perfect sisters are busy being married to their flawless husbands and having cookie cutter children, while Charlotte remains single, childless, and every bit as mousy as she was a decade ago. As Charlotte struggles to climb out from underneath her judgmental parents thumb, the carnival rolls back into town, and Charlotte finds herself face to face with Vin again. He's back to run his father's carnival, walking away from a promising career in medicine he started in Chicago. Will her biased and judgmental family accept her relationship with a man who is not only a Native American, but works as a carny for a living? And what unsavory secrets bind the well-educated and seemingly superlative Vin to that ramshackle carnival? After all, you can t judge a carny by its cover.

When I first read the synopsis from the publisher, I was so excited to begin reading it. I was anxiously waiting and waiting until the book came out, and when I finally got the opportunity to read it, I couldn't put it down, I read the book in five hours. I spoke to the author and she told me she poured her soul into that book. I read it and I was very pleased and impressed. This book has to be the most addicting book I have ever read! There were plot twists every few chapters, and moments that leave you in awe and made you get a bit angry at the characters, this is my kind of book! I wanted to slap Regina and Charlotte's family for how horrible she was to Charlotte. 

I felt so sorry for Charlotte, she had a horrible family to her and she found her true love and someone who appreciated her for who she was and didn't want to change a single thing about her. That is my kind of man. I am so happy this book is getting published and I urge people to read it. If you have been a fan of Nora Roberts or Danielle Steele, it's nothing compared to this book!

Next on the Reading List

After sending out queries, and revising my work for the next #DVpit. I have been reading. Finally after weeks on my library e-book holds. I...