Monday, October 13, 2014

How to Start a Novel

For all new people looking to write a book. I wanted to point you to a post written by Chuck Sambuchino in Writer's Digest How to Start a Novel


1. Open a new Word document.
2. Save it as tentative book title.
3. Wonder if any other books have this title
4. Check Twitter.
5. Google tentative book title.
6. Feel relieved that you’re somewhat original…
7. Type the title and “Chapter One” in Word document.
8. Check e-mail.
9. Check Facebook.
10. Stare at blinking cursor in Word document.
11. Check latest favorite blogs & tumblrs.
12. Type first sentence.
13. Click “save.”
14. Feel accomplished.
15. Feel thirsty.
16. Refill water glass.
17. Check Twitter.
18. Click on five different-yet-equally-inane HuffPo links.
19. Stare at blinking cursor after first sentence.
20. Realize that, though this is the third novel you’ve written, you’ve completely forgotten the principles on how to successfully start a novel.
21. Write blog post about it.
22. Type second sentence?

Next on the Reading List

After sending out queries, and revising my work for the next #DVpit. I have been reading. Finally after weeks on my library e-book holds. I...