Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reign Kissed

New Episode of Reign! I want to see some Mary/Bash swoon. Francis is kind of making me mad.

NaNoWriMo Tip Five: Don't Stop Writing

Today's post is about something I have experienced, and discovered helps me when I am doing NaNoWriMo and I am passing it onto you.

When it comes to people doing NaNoWriMo for the first time don't stop writing. You will be tempted to go and add other things you think will make the story perfect. Here's a word of advice, if there's a scene you want to add to the story, write it down in a spiral notebook or notepad, and leave it to the side. When you finish your story and you go back later to edit, you can easily read through and see where those scenes you wrote down will fit. I found this helps me a lot and I know of other authors who do this technique as well. It's a great tool for when you want to add more juicy scenes to the story.

Next on the Reading List

After sending out queries, and revising my work for the next #DVpit. I have been reading. Finally after weeks on my library e-book holds. I...