Sunday, November 04, 2012

Blog Tour: Colonization by Aubrie Dionne

Another wonderful blog tour for Inkspell Publishing! I have never really been much of a Sci-Fi person but I read the summary of this and I was immediately intrigued I wanted to purchase the book almost instantly.

Finding a new home has never been so dangerous. Andromeda has spent all seventeen years of her life aboard a deep space transport vessel destined for a paradise planet. Her safe cocoon is about to break open as Paradise 21 looms only one month away, and she must take the aptitude tests to determine her role on the new world and her computer assigned lifemate. As a great-granddaughter of the Commander of the ship, she wants to live up to her family name. But, her forbidden love for her childhood friend, Sirius, distracts her and she fails the tests. The results place her in a menial role in the new colony and pair her with Corvus, “the oaf”.
But when Andromeda steps foot on Paradise 21, her predestined future is the least of her worries. Alien ghosts from a failed colonization warn her of a deadly threat to her colony. And when Sirius's ship crashes on the far ridge in an attempt to investigate, she journeys to rescue him with Corvus.

Andromeda now must convince the authorities of the imminent danger to protect her new home. What she didn't expect was a battle of her own feelings for Sirius and Corvus.Can she save the colony and discover her true love?

About the Author

Author Bio:  Aubrie Dionne writes science fiction fantasy with romantic 
elements. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, 
Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora 
Wolf. Her books are published by Inkspell Publishing, Entangled Publishing, 
Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She’s also a professional flutist in 
New England.
Please visit her website:
Twitter: @authoraubrie

Interview with Author

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I'd always made up stories to go along with the music I played in orchestra and then later on in my flute lessons with my students. I'd written one book in high school, but I'd always wanted to be a concert flutist. Then, my flute students started telling me my stories were so good I had to write them down. I tried my luck at a YA epic fantasy called The Voices of Ire and had limited success. But, I loved writing, so I just kept turning out more books, getting better with each one and here I am today! 

What inspired you to begin writing?
Music and some of my favorite movies have inspired me the most. I grew up watching the original Star Wars movies over and over again and reenacting scenes in my backyard. I alos loved The Goonies, Star Trek The Next generation, Labyrinth-David Bowie rocks as the Goblin King, and The Last Unicorn-why she chose to go back to being a unicorn I can only guess. 

How do you get your ideas for writing?
They come to me while I'm doing boring stuff, like walking the dog, commuting to work, folding laundry, in the shower, doing dishes. Wow, I do a lot of boring stuff, huh? 

What made you come up for the idea of Colonization?
I had just finished writing Paradise 21, the first book in my New Dawn series, published by Entangled Publishing. I wanted to know more about what happened to the people on the ship when they reached the planet. But, when I started to write, it came out through a teen's perspective, so it couldn't possibly be book 2 in my adult series. So, I created a YA spin off that will be its own series. The Paradise Reclaimed series was born!

Are the character's based on people you know?
All of the characters are bits and pieces of me. Even the bad ones! As for people I know, I try to stay away from that in fear of getting sued. LOL

Will there be more books after Colonization?
Yes, there are two more books in the Paradise Reclaimed trilogy: Reconnaissance and Alliance. Recon. is told through Nova William's POV and Alliance is told through Lyra Bryan's POV. 

Any future projects you'll have being released?
Yes, I'm just finishing up a contemporary romance called My Maestro in which a flutist in an orchestra falls in love with the conductor. I submitted it to Entangled Publishing's Bliss line, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

Do you have an advice to aspiring writers?
Keep writing! I've gotten better with every book I've written. It took me four books to get an agent, so what would have happened if I quit after three?? Keep at it and write everyday. It's like practicing an instrument! 

Thank you Aubrie for the lovely interview and wishing you all the luck with your new release!

1 comment:

Next on the Reading List

After sending out queries, and revising my work for the next #DVpit. I have been reading. Finally after weeks on my library e-book holds. I...