Sunday, December 09, 2012

Blog Tour: Hollywood Holiday by Sasha Summers

Want to read a romantic Holiday novel, then Hollywood Holiday is the book for you!

All she wants for Christmas is for Hollywood to love her again. But once she meets him, her Christmas list changes. Jen’s only Christmas wish: Hollywood falling back in love with her. Meeting ex-Marine Gunner was a bonus. She likes that he isn’t impressed by celebrities or the movie biz. She likes that he’s funny and sweet … and drop-dead gorgeous. And she loves that he has no idea who her alter-ego is: Jen Fleming, Hollywood bad-girl and paparazzi target number one. Why ruin an amazing affair when he’s leaving after the new year? But the closer they get, the harder she falls, and the more she wants to tell Gunner everything. Especially once he shares his secret with her. Her new Christmas wish: Gunner accepts and loves her for who she really is.

About the Author

Sasha is part gypsy. Her passions have always been storytelling, Hollywood, history, and travel. It’s no surprise that her books include a little of each. Her first play, ‘Greek Gods and Goddesses’ was written for her Girl Scout troupe. She’s been writing ever since. She loves getting lost in the worlds and characters she creates; even if she frequently forgets to run the dishwasher or wash socks when she’s doing so. Luckily, her four brilliant children and hero-inspiring hubby are super understanding and supportive.

A giveaway for a paperback book of  Hollywood Holiday is on the Inkspell Website, check it out. And don't forget to read the first book in the series.

She wasn’t meant for movie stars, Hollywood, or happy endings. And then she met him. Happy Endings are for fairy tales. Or the movies. Not for real life. At least, not in Claire’s life. Even though she’s starting over, she knows better than to want to much this time. But when she falls, literally, into the strong arms of Hollywood’s ‘it’ boy Josh Wiley, Claire’s in for some surprises. Her plans for rest and relaxation are forgotten as one incredible night with Josh becomes two… And her heart begins to want him as much as her body. Will two kids, one bastard ex-husband, and Josh’s juggernaut career mean the end of their affair? Or can Claire find her happy endingafter all?

I was given and eARC of the book, and I absolutely adored this story. It had sensual elements and filled my need for an enchanting read for the Holidays!

Book Excerpt


I groaned and turned my face into the soft cotton I was sleeping against. I inhaled deeply. And my nostrils were filled with the most delicious smell ever: man, soap, shaving gel, sunshine…a wonderful, vaguely familiar, amazingly yummy smell.

I opened my eyes, then sat upright. “Hi.”



Freak fit.

He’s so hot.

The clasp of my charm bracelet hung on his shirt. “Sorry.” I disentangled the chain.
“It’s fine.” He smiled. “We’re getting ready to land.”

“Really?” I asked. “Sorry for using you as my pillow.” I chewed my lip. He was a very, very nice pillow.

His eyes were crazy blue when he looked at me. “I didn’t mind.”

“Oh,” I said, a huge smile rising up. He didn’t mind.

His smile grew. Dimple.

“You’re the nicest guy I’ve ever met.”

“I am? Why do you say that?”

“Because I’ve been…unhinged for most of this trip. I mean, you’re here, you know it’s true. And instead of asking to move or having the Air Marshall restrain me, you hold my hand and talk to me and let me sleep on you.”

“I did ask if I could move, but they said no.”

I stared at him. He started laughing again. I leveled a glare at him then. “Maybe you’re not the nicest guy.”

He cleared his throat. “I don’t think I want to be the nicest guy.”

“Why not?” I didn’t have enough nice people in my life. I missed nice people. “What’s wrong with being nice?”

“Nice guys finish last.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “Or something like that.”

“I like nice guys.”

“Oh, well, that’s good. Then maybe I am a nice guy.” He cleared his throat again. His whole demeanor changed, almost like he was bracing for something. “I thought maybe I could call you later, when we’re in LA. Maybe we could…go out?”

Contain the smile, Jen. Act cool. My heart was thundering as I asked, “After I was all crazy? Really?”

“Really.” He laughed, shrugging. “If you want to.”

I did. So want. Definitely. But now was not the right time. “I’d like to, but…“
“But you have a boyfriend.”

“No, I—”

You’re not interested?”

Man, his eyes are blue. “It’s not that either…” I mumbled to a stop. He was staring at my mouth.

But…?” he prompted.

“Timing.” I sucked in a breath as the airplane began to descend. We were landing and I’d just given him the lamest excuse. “I’m kind of in a bad place right now…”

He was watching me, looking a little confused. “Okay.”

“My career."

He nodded.

I wanted him to know that if things weren’t as messed up as they were for me, I would date him in a heartbeat. I mean, I wanted to date him. I wanted to see that smile and those gorgeous blue eyes again. But I knew I shouldn’t want to, because I had way too much baggage for a guy like this. He deserved better. I tried to explain without dumping too much information on him.

“I’m between jobs right now. Every second of my day has to be about that.” That still sounded like an excuse—a really pathetic excuse.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

We landed with a bounce, the wheels screeching on the tarmac. I gripped the arms of the seat until we were cruising down the runway toward the airport. We were in LA. We were…home. This was good. I’d get off the plane alive.
But it was also bad because that meant goodbye to Gunner.

He stared at the back of the seat and I stared at him. He smiled at me once or twice, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was losing something good. I fiddled with my charm bracelet.

What am I doing? He’s sweet and funny and gorgeous. And he had no idea who I was…or rather what the world thought I was. With him, I was just Jenny. And yes, I had a lot of…unpleasantness to deal with, but didn’t everyone? So why didn’t I deserve a good thing? I
mean, after everything I’d been through, it was my turn for something good. And Gunner was, I just knew, something good.

“I’d like to go out with you,” I said.


I shook my head. “No buts. I’d really like to see you again.”

He smiled, his eyebrows arching. “Okay.”

“Okay.” I smiled, delightfully aware of the warm tingles that his smile elicited.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for the awesome excerpt! Thanks bunches for sharing some of Gunner and Jen's story with readers. I had such a great time writing this book - here's hoping readers will have a great time reading it. :)
    Happy Holidays!!


Next on the Reading List

After sending out queries, and revising my work for the next #DVpit. I have been reading. Finally after weeks on my library e-book holds. I...